Bouquet of 25 Red Roses Classic Elegance Bouquet
AED 290.00
With the help of our Classic elegance bouquet, ignite warmth and passion. Bright red roses, the symbol of love, are held in our sophisticated black wrap and fastened with a delicate red ribbon. This bouquet consists of 25 Premium red roses. It is a potent declaration of love and affection, appropriate for any romantic gesture, thanks to the roses’ vibrant color and rich aroma.
Bouquet of 25 Red Roses Classic Elegance Bouquet
AED 290.00Request a Call Back
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Red roses are undoubtedly a symbol of love! It is about deep affection, ardent love, admiration and frantic passions that bright red roses will tell without words! A woman who is given red roses understands perfectly well that this is a sign of love, so give red roses whenever you want to express your feelings.
Oh my goodness! 251 exquisitely beautiful red roses creatively placed in an arrangement. The “Passion” bouquet is a stunning arrangement that would be a perfect gift for your significant other on the anniversary, on Valentine’s Day, or just because. Someone’s going to be speechless!
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