Bouquet of 251 Red Roses Passion Bouquet

AED 2,900.00

Oh my goodness! 251 exquisitely beautiful red roses creatively placed in an arrangement. The “Passion” bouquet is a stunning arrangement that would be a perfect gift for your significant other on the anniversary, on Valentine’s Day, or just because. Someone’s going to be speechless!

This bouquet is more than just flowers; it’s a story. Tell your story of unwavering love, passionate devotion, and timeless affection with this stunning arrangement of 251 fresh red roses, luxuriously wrapped in black with a pristine white ribbon. It’s a gift that will not only leave them speechless but also create a memory that will be cherished for a lifetime.

  • Passion Bouquet

    Bouquet of 251 Red Roses Passion Bouquet

    AED 2,900.00

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